Friday, June 27, 2014


When considering the glass half empty/glass half full debate, I am prone to say I am glad I have a glass. Therefore, I will not enumerate the many days of lower than average temperature this past April and May. And June. I am glad I have a garden. And the plants don't want a sweatshirt and a hat - they are getting taller and wider and greener with the extended Spring. Now the color begins.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Progress of Seedlings and Cages

Do not be fooled by the white blurs in the background. Yes, there are white bags of yet-to-be-distributed horse manure. But the featured white blobs are sleeping geese. They are pretending to be bucolic. My network of lobster boat propeller cages and topiaries and wastebaskets keeps the geese at bay enough for Great Growth to occur. I thank the gods for the long photoperiod of Downeast Maine which, combined with the recently arrived warmth, grows my garden exponentially each day. Any seedling that is small however needs its own cage to survive.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Not Exactly Waiting

Knowing the forecast held three days of rain, I was active yesterday afternoon and this o'dawn planting my seeds. My perennials continue to thrill me in a very green way - everything in my garden is a shade of green. The weigela has buds, the peonies have buds. Yes, the ladies-in-a-bath and columbine are both actually blooming. But the blooms themselves are sparse and not photo worthy. There is not enough CONTRAST to qualify as color. Then I checked the mail. One side of driveway is spectacular with bunchberry. The other side of my driveway has hints of Indian Cucumber-Root with hundreds to follow. I love Spring. Oh, did you say it's June 4th? I say, "It's Maine."