Friday, August 29, 2014

August, Come and Gone

I spent the majority of August traveling, first to Atlanta and then to Portland, Oregon. Beyond my Abuela Adventure, I saw a lot of personal gardens and I visited the Atlanta Botanical Garden and returned to Maine and visited the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden. I was most impressed by the horticulture mosaics and reminded that gorgeous plants and gorgeous plantings take a veritable army of gardeners to create them and maintain them.

Therefore, when I take note of my soil which still needs much amending and my lack of underground irrigation and the fact that my army of gardeners consists solely of ME, I am satisfied with the profusion of flowers that exists. Currently, there are zinnia, cosmos, rudbeckia, gallardia, echinacea, native bee balm and several varieties of goldenrod hosting fritillaries, red admirals and white admirals. It's my kind of jungle.